At Avanti Fields, we believe our students have so much to offer our New Year 7 cohort to support the smooth transition from primary school to secondary school. We are delighted to inform you that at Avanti Fields, we offer a fantastic peer support programme through the Avanti Fields Friendly Faces Ambassadors scheme. The role of the ambassadors is to help to inform, guide and support the new cohort of year 7 students with practical support during their transition process to secondary school.
An Avanti Fields ‘Friendly Faces’ Ambassador is a student who is able to set an example for others to follow;  proud of their accomplishments, confident in their ability to do the right thing and have a positive attitude towards school. At all times, they will uphold the core values of empathy, gratitude, integrity, courage, respect and self-discipline. All Friendly Faces Ambassadors have been chosen to lead in this programme as they consistently embody all of the essential qualities required to help all new students navigate and acclimatise to their new setting and daily routine.
Please see below for an example of an Avanti Fields Friendly Faces Ambassador’s letter to year 6 children, written to help support and prepare them for their transition to our school.
Dear Friends,
My name is Tanisha and I am writing to excite you about your upcoming journey at Avanti Fields. I am a Year 8 student and have been at Avanti for just around 2 years now. From my experience, I can assure you there is absolutely nothing to worry about.
When I first joined Avanti, I was nervous too, but instantly after meeting my fellow colleagues, friends and teachers, I felt settled and my worries were all at ease. The teachers were all extremely welcoming and hospitable and the students were all sociable and friendly. There were many activities that took place, which got us all talking to new students, the school rules were all established and I was already starting to understand the family feeling. I can only guarantee your experience will not be any different.
A school day at Avanti starts at 8:50 and finishes at 3:30. Although, after the end of a school day there are also many extra- curricular opportunities that you can take part in if you wish. These clubs vary from anything like a science club where you can take part in many fascinating experiments or a debating club where you can argue your view on interesting topics or many sports clubs like football, tennis, badminton and even dodgeball. This is a great social opportunity where you can meet new people with similar interests and explore something innovative and different.
Each lesson is 55 minutes long; you will have six lessons in one day. Two lessons, then a 15-minute break, two more lessons then a 55-minute lunch break and then two lessons until the end of the day. However, trust me; your day will fly by. There are also many interesting and different subjects which you may not have heard of and probably would not get the opportunity to take part in at other schools. Examples of these subjects are yoga and Sanskrit. Yoga is a great way to reduce stress and get in a calm mind-set. It is also a great way to get a relaxing break from your studies. Sanskrit is said to be the oldest language in the world. How cool would that be to get the opportunity to learn a language that dates back to over 5000 years ago?
To finish off, I would like to say, take all the opportunities you are given. You only get one chance and you don’t want to regret not being a part of it. Over time at Avanti you will be given numerous opportunities and competitions/activities to take part in. These can range from being part of the school council, taking part in an art internship or being a part of the tenner challenge, where you get to start your own business in school and try raise as much money as you can. There are so many fun things to be a part of so don’t miss out.
I hope I have given you an insight into what to expect when you join the Avanti family and told you a little bit about all the enjoyable and exciting lessons, clubs and opportunities you have to look forward to.
Cannot wait to see you all at school and know that if you ever need a friend, you can just come and find me.
Kind Regards,