Key Information

Below you can find the following:

  • Equality Objectives

  • Annual Reports and Accounts

  • Trustees & Directors

  • Exclusions arrangements

  • Internal Exclusions

  • SEND

  • School Results

Equality Objectives

  • Strive to achieve equality of opportunity for all, adults and pupils, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, disability, religious belief, sexual orientation and socio-economic background.
  • Promote a harmonious environment (social cohesion)
  • Strive for all pupils to achieve the highest possible standards in their learning and make good progress and to be committed to closing the gaps in progress and attainment.
  • Ensure that the appointment of staff is in line with equal opportunities legislation
  • Ensure that the governing body of the school reflects diversity
  • Identify barriers to learning and participation and provide appropriately to meet a diversity of needs
  • To promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through daily teaching, with particular reference to issues of equality and diversity.

Annual Reports and Accounts

±Ê±ô±ð²¹²õ±ðÌýclick hereÌýfor the ¹û¶³Ó°Ôº Annual Report

Trustees & Directors

Our central core team comprises leading educationalists, HMIs, previous headteachers, previous directors of LEAs, project managers and business and community leaders.

Please click on the link below for information on Trustees and Directors:

Click Here >>

Suspension/Exclusion arrangements

Internal Suspensions

Suspension is when a pupil is excluded from their normal day-to-day activities. The child must work away from their class for a fixed amount of time. This may be in a different classroom or in an office with a TA or a member of SLT.
A Suspension may be used in response to a one off behaviour, such as an aggressive outburst or may be a result of a culmination of behaviours as outlined in the graduated response above. Only a member of the Senior Leadership Team may suspend a child. This will be communicated to Parents.
As a result of a suspension, additional support may be put in place in order to help the child avoid their behaviour escalating to a point where a fixed term exclusion is necessary (examples: behaviour plan, behaviour chart to address specific behaviours causing a problem; support from an additional adult etc) Internal suspension is a formal process but not a legal exclusion.

External Suspensions

Whilst every effort will be made to keep children in school and cater for their needs, external suspensions will be considered where needed:
Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý • In response to a serious breach, or persistent breaches of the school’s behaviour framework; and where allowing the pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupils or others in school.
The following actions would lead to immediate external suspension:
  • Stabbing another child or adult with an object used as a weapon
  • Unprovoked physical attack on a child or an adult that leads to serious harm of the victim
  • When the school has taken persistent and comprehensive action to address the child’s needs that day and the child is completely unresponsive leading to violence towards others and/or serious disruption of learning for other children in the school.
When establishing the facts, the Principal will use the civil standard of proof i.e. on the balance of probabilities it is more likely than not that the fact is true. Account will be taken of all contributing factors.

Permanent Exclusions

If a child receives more than 45 periods of exclusion in a year (15 a term) permanent exclusion will be considered.
The school follows all the guidance set out in the ‘Exclusions from Maintained Schools, Academies and Pupil referral units in England’ updated by the DFE in September 2017. Therefore, children with SEN, will not be discriminated against, harassed or victimised because of: sex; race; disability; religion or belief or sexual orientation. The school will comply with their statutory duties in relation to SEN when administering the exclusion process, including having regard to the SEND Code of Practice.

Special Education Needs (SEND)

What are Special Educational NeedsÌýand/ or Disabilities?Ìý

Usually called SEND, this means that a child has needs that are different from or additional to the majority of children of their age, in order to achieve their full potential.ÌýThis could be for a number of reasons andÌýhere at Avanti Gardens, weÌýsupport these needs in a variety of ways, based on a child’s individual needs.ÌýÌý

WhatÌýisÌýaÌýSpecial Educational Needs and/ orÌýDisability?Ìý

Under the ‘Equality Act 2010’ a disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities.ÌýÌý

At Avanti Gardens School, we consider the individual needs of each child and work togetherÌýwith Parents/ÌýCarersÌýand the childÌýto provideÌýthe right support, to the best of our ability.  This could be for a short period, or for longer. Not all children with SEN are disabled, and not all disabled children have SEN.ÌýWe follow the guidance in the SEND Code of Practice (2015), toÌýensureÌýweÌýare doingÌýall that we can to meet the needs of our pupils.Ìý

How do we support our pupils with Special Educational NeedsÌýand/ or Disabilities?Ìý

AdditionalÌýinformation about the way we identify and support our pupils can be found in the SEND Policy andÌýInformation report.  These documents set out to helpÌýParents/ÌýCarersÌýto understand what we doÌýto support our SEND children and how this is implemented each day, includingÌýthe kind of support that we are able to provide.Ìý

Click the links below to find out more:Ìý

There is also more information about Bristol’s Local Offer including the online hub forÌý0-25 yearÌýolds with special educational needs or a disability, on the website .

The School’s SENDCo is Nicola Rogers.Ìý

Please call the main school number 01179Ìý659Ìý150 or email [email protected] if you would like to contact herÌýto discuss your child.ÌýÌý
