The Academy’s Admissions Policy reflects the fact that the Academy is an inclusive school that brings together families from all backgrounds, and makes an important contribution to community cohesion. It aims to serve the whole community and is committed to bringing people together from different cultural, religious and social backgrounds. Parents should follow the same procedures as applying for any other state funded school, through the local authority (LA).

For details of how to contact the LA about admissions please click here. For more detailed information about the school’s admission policy please contact the principal.

Admissions Policy 2025-26

Admissions Policy 2024-25

Admissions Policy 2023-24

Other useful links:

Information about applying for an in-year transfer for your child

Open Days

Allocation Statements

Admissions 1st round allocation statement 2024


If you wish to appeal against the decision not to offer your child a place at the school, for your appeal to be heard in the main round of appeals it must be submitted by 6th June 2024. To submit an appeal please complete the appeal form, which is available from the Bristol Council website by clicking .

Appeals are heard from the end of June, please see Bristol Council website for more information.