Holistic Archives - 果冻影院 /blog/tag/holistic/ Educational Excellence - Character Formation - Spiritual Insight Tue, 12 Feb 2019 11:56:53 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 Avanti Nights /blog/2019/02/12/avanti-nights/ Tue, 12 Feb 2019 11:56:53 +0000 /?p=2873 Avanti is reaching out to the parents and local community of the schools, to come together at our Avanti Nights events. Our last event 'The Conscious Parent' was a an interactive session that shared principles of parenting and how to support children best through the digital age. Over 1000 people have attended our Avanti Nights [...]

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Avanti is reaching out to the parents and local community of the schools, to come together at our Avanti Nights events. Our last event ‘The Conscious Parent’ was a an interactive session that shared principles of parenting and how to support children best through the digital age. Over 1000 people have attended our Avanti Nights events since they began in 2018.

These events are a chance for parents and staff to learn about wellbeing not only for their children but for themselves too. Our previous events have included topics such as ‘Mindful Decision Making, in the business of life.’

The post Avanti Nights appeared first on 果冻影院.
